
Domeniche in Dimora

Do not miss the unique opportunity to visit thirty of the most fascinating cultural sites and historic houses in Campania!
On Sunday January 26th , starts “Domeniche in Dimora” initiative, conceived and created by Scabec Spa / Regione Campania in collaboration with the Italian Historic Houses Association, in the field of campania> artecard.

Four appointments for four Sundays, during which expert guides and owners of residences will take you to discover villas, palaces and monuments around Campania region: Naples, Caserta, Avellino, Benevento and Salerno.

Do you have an annual or tourist pass by campania artecard? You can purchase the reduced price ticket. Free for under 18 years old, disabled and carers

It will be a journey into the history of Campania, from aristocratic families to its small villages, from villas to some monuments including the historic center of Sant’Agata dei Goti, the historic center of Naples and the historic center of Capua and Teggiano.

Consult the calendar to find out about scheduled appointments and ticket prices.

Purchase and booking methods for the next visits will be communicated here shortly.

Contacts: [email protected]
Official hashtags: #domenicheindimora #mycampania

26 gennaio - Napoli

Palazzo Donn’Anna

Relive the history of Naples through the stories of the owners of some of the most beautiful residences around Naples. Among others you can visit ì Palazzo Ricca, in the heart of the historic cente dating back to the XVI century, passing through Palazzo Donn’Anna (XVII century), a famous jewel in the Posillipo district, and Villa Tufarelli in San Giorgio a Cremano and Villa Giusso.

Guided tours 10.30 and 12.30 am in each residence

Naples Historic Centre* 

Palazzo Ricca (Sec. XVI) Museo dell’Archivio Storico Banco di Napoli Via dei Tribunali, 214 – Napoli – disabled access
Palazzo Albertini, Principe di Cimitile* (Sec. XVIII) Via Santa Teresa degli Scalzi, 76 – Napoli Palazzo Donn’Anna (Sec. XVII) Piazza Donn’Anna, 9 – Posillipo, Napoli
Casa Museo Sergio Ragni, Villa Belvedere* (Sec. XVII) Via Aniello Falcone, 56 – Napoli

Around Naples

Villa Tufarelli (Sec. XVII) Via Tufarelli, 45 – San Giorgio a Cremano – disabled access
Masseria Astapiana Villa Giusso *(Sec. XVII) Via Camaldoli, 51 – Vico Equense
Palazzo Niglio Jadicicco* (Sec. XVII) Via Atellana, 36 – Frattamaggiore

*disabled access not provided


Admission with guided tour (recommended reservation) – 5 €
Campania>artecard holders for each residence – 3 €
Free admission for under 18 years old, disabled and carers

23 febbraio - Caserta

Palazzo Paternò di Casanova

Three beautiful routes to discover Caserta and surroundings that will tell you the stories preserved over the centuries between the walls and streets of Caserta, Capua, Sessa Aurunca and Santa Maria Capua a Vetere.

First tour

Capua Historic Centre*
Vie del Centro con i loro palazzi e le loro chiese, e la Sala d’Armi (Sec. XIX)
guided tours starting at 11 and 12 am

Palazzo Lanza* (Sec. XV) – library
Corso Gran Priorato di Malta, 25 – Capua
guided tours starting at 11:45 am and 12:45 am

Masseria Pasca di Magliano (Sec. XVIII) with light local food tasting
Via Giardini, 31 – Capua, Località Brezza
guided tours starting at 11.00 and 12.30 am
disabled access

Full guided tour including shuttle bus from Napoli, Piazza Municipio (via Caserta- Piazza Carlo III).
Departure at 10 am – return  at 1.30 pm

Second tour

Palazzo Paternò di Casanova (Sec. XVIII)
Via San Carlo, 142 – Caserta
guided tours starting at 10 am and 11 am
disabled access

Palazzo San Carlo(Sec. XIX) with light local food tasting
Via Pasquale Fratta, 23 – S. Maria Capua Vetere
guided tours starting at 11 and 12 am
disabled access

Full guided tour including shuttle bus from Naples – Piazza Carlo III
Departure at 10 am – return at 1 pm

Third tour

Sessa Aurunca Historic Centre*
Teatro Romano, Cattedrale
guided tours starting at 10.45 am and 11.45 am

Palazzo di Transo (Sec. XV) – archive, with light local food tasting – disabled access
Corso Lucilio, 39 – Sessa Aurunca

guided tours  starting at 12.00 am and 1 pm

Full guided tour including shuttle bus from Napoli – Piazza Municipio
Departure 9.30 am – return 1.30 pm

*disabled access not provided


Admission with guided tour with including a light tasting
if expected in each residence (recommended reservation) – 5 €
campania>artecard holders for each residence – 3 €
Full guided tour including bus transfer (visit to all the residences included in the tour) – 10 €
Full guided tour campania>artecard holders – 7 €
Free admission for under 18 years old, disabled and carers

29 marzo - Salerno

Veduta di Teggiano

Cilento and Vallo di Diano at the center of the three  itineraries around Salerno province: from the 15th century Macchiaroli di Teggiano Castle to the 11th century Torre Volpe di Prignano Cilento.

First Tour

Taverna Penta/Azienda Agricola Filippo Morese
Via Abete Conforti, 1 – Pontecagnano
guided tours starting at 11.30 am
disabled access

Domus Laeta* (Sec. XVII) con piccola degustazione
Via Flavio Gioia, 1 – Giungano
guided tours starting at  10 am
Full guided tour including shuttle bus from Napoli – Mercadante Theatre
Departure 9 am– return  2 pm

Second Tour

Torre Volpe* (Sec. XI)
Vico degli Aranci – Melito di Prignano Cilento
guided tours starting at 12.30am

Borgo Riccio (Sec. XIX)
Strada Provinciale, 86 – Torchiara
guided tours starting at 10.30 am

disabled access

Full guided tour including shuttle bus from Naples – Mercadante Theatre (step Salerno – Piazza della Concordia).
Departure 8.45am – retun 2 pm

Third Tour

Teggiano Historic Centre
guided tours starting at 12.30 am
Castello Macchiaroli (Sec. XV) con piccola degustazione
Piazza Portello – Teggiano
guided tours starting at 11 am
disabled access

Full guided tour including shuttle bus from Napoli – Mercadante Theatre
Departure 9 am – return expected 2 pm

*disabled access not provided


Admission with guided tour with including a light tasting
if expected in each residence (recommended reservation) – 5 €
campania>artecard holders for each residence – 3 €
Full guided tour including bus transfer (visit to all the residences included in the tour) – 10 €
Full guided tour campania>artecard holders – 7 €
Free admission for under 18 years old, disabled and carers

26 aprile - Avellino e Benevento

Tenuta FIlangieri de Clario

Three itineraries around Avellino and Benevento will let you to discover some of the wonders where fairy-tale dwellings and rich in history stand out, but also a visit to the historic center of one of the most beautiful villages in Italy: Sant’Agata de Goti

First tour

Villa de Clario Filangieri* (Sec. XVIII)
Via Merchese di Livardi, 53 – Livardi (NA)
guided tours starting at 10.30 am e 11.30 am

Castello Lancellotti (Sec. X)
Piazza Castello – Lauro (AV)
guided tours starting at 11.30 am e 12.30 am
disabled access

Villa Pàndola Sanfelice* (Sec. XIX)
Via Terra, 17 – Lauro (AV)
guided tours starting at 11.30 am e 12.45 pm

Full guided tour including transfer from Napoli – Piazza Municipio
Departure 9.30 am – return 2 pm

Second tour

Castello Pignatelli della Leonessa* (Sec. IX)
Percorso sterrato a partire dalla fine di Corso V. Emanuele – San Martino di Valle Caudina (AV) guided tours starting at 10.15 am e 11.30 am

Palazzo Ducale Pignatelli della Leonessa* (Sec. XVII)
Corso V. Emanuele, 40 – San Martino di Valle Caudina (AV)
guided tours starting at 11.30 am e 12.30 am

Palazzo Marchesale Caracciolo di Santeramo* (Sec. XVI)
Piazza Regina Elena, 1 – Cervinara (AV)
guided tours starting at 10.30 am e 1 pm

Full guided tour including transfer from Salerno – Piazza della Concordia
Departure 9 am – return expected 2 pm

Third tour

Castello Pignatelli della Leonessa* (Sec. IX)
Percorso sterrato a partire dalla fine di Corso V. Emanuele – San Martino di Valle Caudina (AV) guided tours starting at 10.30 am

Palazzo Ducale Pignatelli della Leonessa* (Sec. XVII)
Corso V. Emanuele, 40 – San Martino di Valle Caudina (AV)
guided tours starting at 11.30 am

Palazzo Marchesale Caracciolo di Santeramo* (Sec. XVI)
Piazza Regina Elena, 1 – Cervinara (AV)
guided tours starting at 12.30am

Full guided tour including transfer from Naples – Piazza Municipio
Departure 9.30 am – return  2 pm

Fourth tour

Sant’Agata dei Goti historic center
guided tours starting at 10.30 am e 11 am

Palazzo Rainone-Mustilli* (Sec. XVII)
Via Caudina, 10 – Sant’Agata dei Goti (BN)
guided tours starting at 11.30 am  e 12.30 am

Palazzo Mustilli* (Sec. XVIII)
Sant’Agata dei Goti (BN)
guided tours starting at 11.30 am e 12 am

Full guided tour including transfer from Napoli – Piazza Municipio
Departure 10 am– return 1.30 pm

*disabled access not provided


Admission with guided tour with including a light tasting
if expected in each residence (recommended reservation) – 5 €
campania>artecard holders for each residence – 3 €
Full guided tour including bus transfer (visit to all the residences included in the tour) – 10 €
Full guided tour campania>artecard holders – 7 €
Free admission for under 18 years old, disabled and carers

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